
音标/读音 [dis'kɑ:d]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 丢弃, 抛弃
vi. 垫牌
n. 垫牌, 抛弃

n. anything that is cast aside or discarded
n. (cards) the act of throwing out a useless card or of failing to follow suit
n. getting rid something that is regarded as useless or undesirable
v. throw or cast away


1. I'm not using her and then discarding her.

我不会利用了她 然后又抛弃她

2. You've already discarded her, and you're a human being.

你已经抛弃她了 而你还是人类

3. But really, you're pulling from the discards.

但实际上 你们是在捡别人丢弃的孩子

4. Most are discarded, never to be danced to again.

大多数都被人丢弃 无缘成为人们的舞曲

5. That could explain why they discarded the men.


6. Once she's consolidated power, she'll discard you.

一旦她大权在握 她会把你扔一边的

7. But now I understand I was not discarded.

但我现在明白了 我不是被抛弃了

8. You sliced out my identity and discarded it as waste.

你切除了我男人的象征 还把它当做废物扔掉了

9. Or you just discard them as if they got no value at all.


10. The discarded medicines need to be disposed of.

