
smashed怎么读: 音标[smæʃt]
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◎ smashed是什么意思

a. 喝醉酒的
[法] 酒醉的

v hit hard
v break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
v reduce to bankruptcy
v hit violently
v humiliate or depress completely
v damage or destroy as if by violence
v hit (a tennis ball) in a powerful overhead stroke
v collide or strike violently and suddenly
v overthrow or destroy (something considered evil or harmful)
v break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow
s very drunk


1. He'd come round to ours, *ash the place up, *ash me up.

他会来我家 砸东西 打我

2. So we *ash in, grab the sword, and *ash our way out.

那我们冲进去 拿上剑 然后再冲出来

3. I will always *ash things you might need *ashed, Ive.

我会永远砸烂 你需要砸烂的东西 艾薇

4. Earth should have been *ashed, but it wasn't.

地球本来会撞得粉碎 但却没有

5. I did not hustle him, I *ashed him.

我没有坑他 我单词量碾压他

6. Not to mention all the *ashed thumbs.


7. They took the idols and *ashed them.

他们培养了这些偶像 让他们自我陶醉

8. I caught him *ashing it in his driveway.


9. He *ashed the place up, and then he left.

他砸了这个地方 然后离开了

10. And I *ash it all together in the mortar.

