
音标/读音 ['lætist]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 制成格状的, 装有格子的

s having a pattern of fretwork or latticework


1. But the decay rate of the lattice is too unpredictable.


2. They have a refracted lattice shield design.


3. While lattice, or grid fins, are improve maneuverability.

这些格子 或者网状鳍 增强了机动性

4. The real issue is microfractures in the metallic crystal lattice.


5. I've got the lattice grid fin prototype machined it myself.

我已经有网状尾翼模型了 我自己车的

6. They talk to one another through the latticed fungi buried in the soil.


7. It was a perfect hexagonal lattice only one atom thick, called graphene.

这是完美的一层原子厚的六边形晶格 叫做石墨烯

8. Now, what I'm doing here is just cutting strips off which is going to form the lattice work on the top.

把面皮切成一条条 之后弄成格子形状

9. Look, we're going to finish off that internal lattice work today so I need you to take those curtains down.

我們今天要完成內部格柵結構 所以你得把窗簾拿下來

10. A crystal structure is one where atoms are held in a rigid geometric lattice, like salt or diamond.

在晶体结构里 原子位于刚性的几何晶格中 就像盐和钻石
