
preamble怎么读: 音标['pri:æmbl]
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◎ preamble是什么意思

n. 引言, 序文, 前言
[计] 前同步; 前同步信号

n. a preliminary introduction to a statute or constitution (usually explaining its purpose)
v. make a preliminary introduction, usually to a formal document


1. I didn't preamble myself. I didn't give him any time to prepare.

我没提前通知 没给他 时间准备

2. Eventually, yes, ‭but the preamble's about me.

最终是关于你的 但前言这段是关于我的

3. Sounds like the preamble of me own bloody funeral.


4. I have a lot to tell you and not a lot of time, so forgive me for skipping the sensitivity preamble.

有很多事想跟你说 但时间有限 我就不跟你客套了 请见谅

5. Hey. I'm just gonna skip the preamble and show you what really happened to my grandfather in the war.

我就不多说什么了 直接让大家看看 在战争期间我外公的真正经历

6. Also, from the preamble of the constitution, the plaintiffs' claim of 'duty of a moral nation' does not include direct apology and compensation to victims of colonial rule.

此外 依据宪法序文 原告关于 道德国家义务 的主张 不包括直接道歉 以及对殖民统治下受害者的补偿
