
cumin怎么读: 音标['kʌmin]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ cumin是什么意思

n. 莳萝, 土茴香子
[化] 枯茗; 欧莳萝; 异丙苯

n. dwarf Mediterranean annual long cultivated for its aromatic seeds
n. aromatic seeds of the cumin herb of the carrot family


1. I always season it with cumin rather than again pepper.

调味料我一定要用小茴香籽 辣椒不行

2. It's mostly weed, a little ginger and some cumin.

主要是大麻 一点姜还有些茴香

3. Add cumin, cinnamon and black beans then combine.

加入孜然 肉桂 以及黑豆 然后搅拌均匀

4. Okay, and then they cook with this black cumin, with literally no turmeric.

他們煮的時候放黑孜然調味 一點姜黃都不放

5. It's hard to get those cumin levels just right, but you nailed it.

孜然的量不好把握 但你们把握得刚刚好

6. Elliott's lovely but he seems to only know how to cook with cumin and curry.

艾略特人不错 但他貌似只会 用小茴香和咖喱烧饭

7. Cumin very aromatic, very fragrant, almost like a light spice.

孜然 香气馥郁 是清淡的香料

8. Cumin seeds studding a new cheese remind me I am capable of delight.

撒了孜然种子的新鲜奶酪 让我觉得自己还是能开心起来的

9. To start with, heat up your pan, cumin seeds straight in, and leave them to dance for a minute.

首先 热上锅 倒入小茴香 然后让它们蹦跶几分钟

10. Not too beefy tastes a little bit of the onions, the cumin, and a slight, little kick from the...from the aji.

不要太多牛肉 要能尝出来一点洋葱 小茴香 以及一点阿吉椒的辣味
