
音标/读音 [peid]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 受雇的, 付清的

a. marked by the reception of pay



The co*etics and astringents are paid for, the bathroom is paid for, the tweezers are paid for, and the pills... are paid for.

化妆品与收敛水都是我付钱买的 洗手间是我付钱买的 镊子是我付钱买的 还有药...也是我付钱买的

I told her, as soon as I'm paid, she's paid.

我都跟她說了 我發工資了就給她錢

I have paid for gas. I have paid for silk.

燃料钱是我出的 做气球的钱也是我出的

I paid for you. I paid for the whole bar.

我請了你 我請了酒吧裏所有人

George paid his rent... barely, but he paid it.

乔治交着地租 虽然不勤快 但也没缺过

Well, whatever you paid, you paid too much.

不管你付了多少钱 画都不值这个价

I would've paid, I would've paid anything.

我都会照做的 说什么我都答应

Right, in an apartment paid for by me and a rehearsal space paid for by me.

是啊 一起住在我出租金的公寓 呆在我出租金的练歌房

I just got paid to talk about getting paid.

我就在这里聊几句怎么赚钱 钱就进口袋了

It's because he paid them to be there.
