n. 磨, 开胃小吃
vt. 磨, 磨快, 刺激, 促进
v. make keen or more acute
v. sharpen by rubbing, as on a whetstone
1. One whets the appetite for the other.
2. And my son would like to whet his sword with you.
3. These last few days' activities have whet my appetite.
4. It's an exciting start, but barely enough to whet their appetites.
这是个令人激动的开始 可对他们而言还远远不够
5. But the problem with finding anything at all is that it whets one's appetite.
但问题是不管你想找什么 都会激发你的兴趣
6. And whet not on these furious peers, for blessed are the peacemakers on earth.
不要给这些亲贵们的争吵火上添油了 这世上 和事佬才最有福
7. The manufacturer made a handful of these shoes to whet the appetite of the distributor.
制造商做出一批这样的鞋子 来测试一下分销商的喜好
8. As is customary, you will have 30 minutes to spend among the lots a taste to whet your appetite and loosen your purse strings.
按照惯例 你们有三十分钟时间 观赏货物 好让你们打开胃口 松开钱包