中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪn'tɜ:(r)] 美 [ɪnˈtɜ:]

vt. 埋葬
prep. 在中间

v place in a grave or tomb


1. That interring them only gave them power.


2. I don't know but it's not on the list of materials interred with her.

不清楚 不过在她的陪葬物品清单中 没有这种东西

3. I'll see she's interred with proper respect, her name clear.

我会命人好好安葬她 为她正名

4. Half his ashes was interred here, the rest was sent up with his folks.

他的骨灰一半埋在这里 另一半送回他父母那儿了

5. This kid has a skull fracture not inter c bleed.

这孩子是颅骨骨折 不是管内出血

6. Desiccated skin, soil... this person was interred at least a decade.

干燥的皮肤 泥土 这个人至少被埋了十年

7. The suggestion being that our missing priest could have interred the other boys with the people he was already burying.

你是想说我们失踪的神父 可能想其他男孩 和他埋葬的人对调的

8. Then I was captured and held in a human interment camp for processing, sent for an upgrade.

然后我被抓了起来 关在一个人类集中营里 等待处置 送去升级

9. We would do best if all those who fall to the pox were interred some distance from the center of town and farther away from the waterfront and the well, lest they aid in the spread of the pox.

如今最好的办法就是将死于瘟疫的尸体 运离小镇 与镇上人民保持距离 并远离水源及水井 否则只会助长瘟疫蔓延



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

