
音标/读音 [im'bju:]
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◎ 单词释义

vt. 使感染, 灌输, 使浸透

v. suffuse with color



I imbued it with magic to rip your heart out.

我往上面施了魔法 好挖出你的心

But more than words, they are somehow imbued with power.

它们不只是文字 而且渗透着力量

Imbue each stone with something you hate about me.


A creature imbued with its creator's most ardent passions.


When imbued with magic, they can be quite powerful.

但被施上魔法 它们也能大显神威

Some magic is too powerful to sustain, so we imbue objects with it.

有些魔法太过强大 无法维持 我们唯有将其注入物件之中

Chinese folklore has imbued it with mythic qualities.


So I imbued the hosts I made with a worldview that reflected my own.

所以我给自己创造的接待员 灌输我自己的世界观

It needs to be imbued with magic, forged with blood.

必须注入魔法 以鲜血铸造

And mere destruction wouldn't imbue the same poetic vengeance.

粗暴的毁灭 是缺乏诗意的报复