
Oklahoma怎么读: 音标[.әuklә'hәumә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ Oklahoma是什么意思

n. 俄克拉何马

n. a state in south central United States


1. Oklahoma's designated as an emergency helicopter landing.


2. Oklahoma, man. It's shaped like a pot with a handle.

俄克拉何马州 就像个带把柄的锅

3. I just told her that *arts and ambition were coming off you like heat waves from an oklahoma blacktop.

我只是告诉了她你身上的 才智和雄心 就像俄克拉荷马州泊油路上的热浪

4. Oklahoma! reminded us that when we try to define who we are as a community, by creating an outsider, it can end in tragedy.

《俄克拉荷马!》提醒了我们 如果我们试图以孤立外人的方式 去定义我们的群体身份 那注定是悲剧
