
sovereign怎么读: 音标['sɒvrin]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ sovereign是什么意思

n. 元首, 独立国
a. 具有主权的, 至高无上的, 国王的, 完全的

n. a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
s. greatest in status or authority or power


1. The idea that only young women of a certain class are presented to the sovereign, and women who are not of that class are not presented to the sovereign and somehow not acceptable.

只有某个特定阶级的年轻女性 能在君主面前展现自己 而不属于这个阶级的女性 就不能在君主面前展现自己 同时不被人们接纳

2. He's a diplomat for a sovereign nation.


3. but I am seeing the sovereign later this evening.


4. You want to violate our sovereign waters again.


5. Because the land this guy's on is sovereign territory.


6. We have a new sovereign, young and a woman.

我们有了新君主 她年轻而且是女性

7. As private secretary to the sovereign, he's my senior.

作为国王私人秘书 他比我资历高

8. And that is the one thing as sovereign that you are not entitled to do.

可是作为统治者 这是最没有资格做的事

9. Secondly, you're accused of trespassing sovereign territory.

第二 你被控侵犯他国领地
