
overgrowth怎么读: 音标['әuvәgrәuθ]
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◎ overgrowth是什么意思

n. 繁茂, 蔓延, 过度发育, 增生
[医] 生长过度, 肥大

n. a profusion of growth on or over something else


1. The omnipresent low fog, hugging the thicket of overgrowth.

无处不在的薄雾 笼罩着低矮的树丛

2. Septal wall muscular overgrowth isolated and resected.

隔膜壁肌肉过度生长 分离切除

3. Rapid fungal overgrowth. It must be the final stage of the disease.

真菌剧烈分化 肯定是 他自己的病到了晚期

4. It's a dangerous intestinal infection caused by an overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria.

这是一种由机会性细菌 过度生长引起的危险肠道感染

5. Scrapings from your stomach lining stained positive for an overgrowth of fungus.

你的胃粘膜取样染色阳性 提示真菌过度生长

6. Hishis appearance is a byproduct of a genetic condition that causes overgrowth in bones and tissue.

他的外表是遗传的结果 那导致他的骨骼和细胞组织过度生长
