
hiring怎么读: 音标['haiәriŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ hiring是什么意思

[法] 租用, 雇用

v engage or hire for work
v hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services
v engage for service under a term of contract


1. He's hiring the firm, I'm hiring him.

他雇了我的事务所 我雇了他

2. That muckymuck hired the guy who hired the guy who hired your boss.

那个大人物是你老板的 上司的上司的上司

3. We would hire him again, hire him a thousand times.

我们愿意再次雇佣他 完全不会后悔

4. I'm not hiring a project here. I'm hiring an employee.

我不能帮人解决问题 我是在招员工

5. He always hired the best, except once when he hired me.

他只会雇最好的人 除了我以外

6. People don't hire me to investigate, they hire me to win.

人们不是雇我做调查的 他们要我打胜仗

7. What is he doing here? I hired him.

他在这儿干什么 我雇了他

8. He hires a couple of shooters, like he hired the vandals.

他雇了几个枪手 就像雇用那些毁坏者一样

9. You wouldn't have hired me if you didn't.


10. Look, I know that you're just the hired help, but you're hired to * up my script, which you did.

我知道你是被雇來幫忙的 但你幫著幫著搞砸了我的劇本
