
音标/读音 [dis'kʌsәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 讨论者, 商讨者

n. a participant in a formal discussion



That's what I'm here to discuss, let's discuss that.

我是来讨论这事的 所以开聊吧

If we're not discussing rights, we're not discussing anything.

如果聊的不是转播权 那就什么也别聊

I'm not qualified to discuss what needs to be discussed.


It's what we discussed on the phone and what we discussed when you first came over.

我们在电话里说好的 你刚进门的时候我们也说过

If you'd rather not discuss... I'd much rather not discuss.

如果你不想提 我是不想

We have not discussed that which I have been wishing to discuss for some time now.

我们还没讨论 我一直想要讨论的问题

But then you'd have to discuss yours.


I'm not having this discussion with you again.


If I could, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

如果我可以保证 我们就不会讨论了

Only you should discuss this with her.
