
音标/读音 ['pri:stli]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 祭司的

a. associated with the priesthood or priests
a. befitting or characteristic of a priest or the priesthood


1. No. I'm intrigued because the priest is not a priest.

不 我感兴趣是因为他不是真的牧师

2. So, it is not a matter of extending to you sisters the rights and privileges of the priests, but rather of extending to the priests the duties and the privations of you nuns.

所以 问题不在于给予你们 神父的权利和特权 而是让他们也承担 修女们的责任和苦累

3. I could have been an excellent priest.


4. So he's sleeping with his priest, too.


5. I have a confession. I'm not a priest.

我有事要承認[懺悔] 我不是牧師

6. I'm not your wife and I'm not your priest.


7. For me, you are a priest, nothing more.


8. We have your physician and a priest.


9. A priest? I'm no different from anyone.

传教者吗 我与其他人无异

10. Patrick, from now on, you're the priest.

帕特里克 现在开始你演牧师
