
音标/读音 [bli:pɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 发出哔哔声( bleep的现在分词 ); 召唤(某人)

v emit a single short high-pitched signal



I bleeped myself, so I didn't give anything away because I bleeped.

我哔了自己 严格保密 全靠哔哔

Just ask the nurse if they'll bleep them.

问问* 是否需要呼叫他们

The adrenaline kicks in when that bleep goes off.


It was less than a blip a bloop or a bleep.

比小光点还小 一个小噪音或者小声响

You can't get with the beat with all them *ing bleeps in it.

一直哔哔 节奏都找不到

I'm sorry to say, but most of that will be bleeped out, I'm sure.

很抱歉 但是刚才你说的大部分内容都被哔掉了

I swear it bleeps if I'm out of the cab for two minutes.


Bleep as a little puppy, running around.

卜丽普还是小狗 到处乱跑

I mean, we would have solveda (bleep) murder mystery tonight.
