
zombie怎么读: 音标['zɔmbi]
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◎ zombie是什么意思

n. 蛇神, 起死回生的魔力, 僵尸, 回魂尸, (美)鸡尾酒, 木鸡, 讨厌的家伙
[计] 僵尸

n. several kinds of rum with fruit juice and usually apricot liqueur


1. Our zombie hunter is sleeping with your zombie roommate.


2. Remember, a wellfed zombie is a happy zombie.

记住 吃饱了的僵尸是快乐的僵尸

3. So over here, nobody has any protection against zombies, zombie infection.

在这里 大家都没有做任何 防护僵尸和僵尸感染的措施

4. I've been on zombie dates before where the gentleman zombie and I weren't rocking the same brain.

我以前经常和跟我吃不同脑子的 僵尸先生约过会

5. A zombie crashing a zombie haters club meeting.


6. So how it works is, if a zombie germ touches you, you become a zombie.

现在的规则是 如果你接触到僵尸病菌 你就会变成僵尸

7. If you kill me, everyone you love becomes a zombie or zombie food.

如果你杀了我 所有你爱的人都会变成僵尸或是腹中餐

8. basically, they're just killing a bunch of zombies so that the zombies won't kill them.

基本上 他们就是杀了一堆僵尸 以免被僵尸杀死

9. The zombies will be dotted around the building in their green zombie zone.

僵尸将分散在建筑各处 在绿色僵尸区域活动

10. It's there to scare the zombies and to give humans the sense that zombies are serious about policing themselves.

那只是用来吓唬那些僵尸 让人类认为 僵尸自我管理也很严格



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