
heterosexual怎么读: 音标[.hetәrә'sekʃuәl]
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◎ heterosexual是什么意思

a. 异性的, 异性爱的
n. 异性恋的人

n. a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex
a. sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex


1. Because I am a heterosexual man with heterosexual man needs.


2. Well, you can't be any worse at it than being a heterosexual.

你当直女都这么糟糕了 当拉拉还能糟糕到哪里去

3. I'm embracing my heterosexuality, but I'm not insane.

我享受异性恋倾向 不代表我疯了

4. That is a very heterosexual choice, my friend.

哥们 只有异性恋才会选那里

5. All my life, I was subjected to indoctrination of how to be heterosexual.


6. If a man's married, he's automatically heterosexual.

如果一个男人结婚了 他就自动成了异性恋

7. I say we just get rid of all the heterosexuals.

要我说 我们该摆脱所有的异性恋
