
音标/读音 ['senә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 山扁豆, 番泻叶, 轻泻剂
[化] 番泻叶

n. any of various plants of the genus Senna having pinnately compound leaves and showy usually yellow flowers; many are used medicinally



And you shouldn't take remedies containing senna if you are preganant.


You can buy senna in health fruit shops.


Senna died that day because his body had served its purpose.

森纳死的那天 他的身体已经完成任务

It's sugar, figs, senna, and couple of flavoring agents added in there.

包括糖 无花果 番泻叶 以及一些食用香精

And together with senna, they produce a reliable but gentle laxative affect.

同时配合使用番泻叶 就能产生有效但温和的通便作用

And combining them with senna which contains even stronger laxative compound.

再配上番泻叶 这是种更有效的通便成分

Strain the senna infusion onto the figs, and blend them till *ooth.

将番泻浸剂滤入无花果中 搅拌至完全混合

Senna's third world title, and sures that he would be right among the old time grid.


Senna was absolutely one, who can go in a *all team and perform so far above the perceived level of the car.

塞纳便是其中之一 他们能从加入一支小车队为起点 打破赛车性能的限制 发挥出超凡的水平