中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE



v change the order or arrangement of
v transfer from one place or period to another
v cause to change places
v transfer a quantity from one side of an equation to the other side reversing its sign, in order to maintain equality
v put (a piece of music) into another key
v exchange positions without a change in value
v change key
s turned about in order or relation


1. Unfortunately, the towers were meant to transport, not transpose.

这些塔是用来传输的 而不是用于置换

2. Next week, I want to look at transposing you down a few keys.


3. They would have had to fix in their mind exact anatomical details and then transpose them here on the surface of the cave.

他们必须在脑海中构建出具体结构 然后把它们转绘到洞穴里的岩壁上

4. I don't know, but it feels like they just transposed the commercial aesthetic over to cinema, and that's not cinema.

我不知道 但感觉 他们只是把商业美学转向了 电影 那东西根本不叫电影

5. Yeah, but where one letter of uncoded text can be transposed into one letter of coded text.

对 不过凯撒密码中一个未编码的字母 可以转换成一个编码字母

6. Now, in his dream, he saw his parents lying dead in a foggy field, but that was really just his conscious mind conflating what he saw in reality and transposing it to his dreamscape.

现在在他的梦里 他看到他的父母死了 躺在雾蒙蒙的旷野上 但那真的只是他的意识与他所看到的现实 混淆在一起 并且转换成了他的梦境

7. Just in its message, you know, we all want somebody or something to stand by us, to protect us, to support us, to be there for us, and this is a classic instance of a kind of gospel sentiment being transposed to a love lyric.

它传递的信息是 人人都希望有人或者事物陪伴我们 保护我们 支持我们 守候着我们 而这就是那种将福音的感情 转换为情歌歌词的 经典时刻



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

