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◎ folic是什么意思



1. Her folic acid, her calcium, her iron were all incredibly high.

她体内的叶酸 钙和铁的水平都很高

2. I'm...I'm taking my vitamins, 800 milligrams of folic acid.


3. Folic acid is good for brain and spinal cord development.


4. Folic acid and iron and a stool softener for the iron side effects.

叶酸 铁 以及软便剂 应对补铁副作用的

5. But you've never been prescribed folic acid, and you can't lose a baby if you've never been pregnant.

但从来没有哪个医生给你开叶酸剂 你根本没有怀过孕 你也不可能会失去孩子

6. As long as you take your folic acid and avoid hard drugs, you'll clean up.

只要你补充足够的叶酸 孕期别嗑药 身体一定会调理好的

7. The blood sample at the police forensics lab has a normal folic serum level.

法医实验室的血样 血清叶酸正常

8. Russians, from a historical genetic standpoint, have more elastic soft tissue from folic acid deficiency.

从历史基因学的角度来看 由于缺乏叶酸 俄国人有更富弹性的软组织

9. Folic acid helps protect your baby against birth defects, and the iron prevents anemia.

叶酸可以帮助降低宝宝罹患先天缺陷的风险 补铁防止贫血

10. Mental deficits are worth a lot, but they cost a lot, so don't cut out the folic acid completely.

先天智力缺陷领的福利更棒 但养起来成本特高 所以你叶酸还是得吃一点
