
pecan怎么读: 音标[pi'kæn]
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◎ pecan是什么意思

n. 美洲山核桃(树)

n. wood of a pecan tree
n. tree of southern United States and Mexico cultivated for its nuts
n. smooth brown oval nut of south central United States


1. Pecans. I'm delivering pecans to my niece.

核桃 我要送核桃给我侄女呢

2. But, in the meantime, you should have a slice of my pecan pie.

不过与此同时 来尝尝我的山核桃派吧

3. I'm afraid I've no pecan pie to offer you.


4. You know, it was a joy to pick pecans.

你知道吗 捡核桃也我很开心

5. I love pecans, really. It's my favorite food.

非常喜欢 是我最爱吃的东西

6. Wrap up two slices of that delicious pecan pie.


7. One slice each apple, pecan and whipped cream.

每样都来一片 苹果 山核桃和生奶油

8. Mom made a fresh pecan pie. It's on the counter.

*做了新鲜核桃派 在台子上

9. Woodrue did his part, and the pecan pie sealed the deal.

伍德罗尽力了 然后山核桃派搞定了对方

10. She makes the worst pecan pie you've ever tasted.

