n. 废物, 小阿飞
a. 无用的, 腐朽的
n. substance that smolders when ignited; used to light fuses (especially fireworks)
1. Why you being this punk? I ain't nobody punk.
你为什么这么怂 我跟谁都不怂
2. What happened after punk was very much a result of what punk did.
朋克之后所发生的 基本上就是朋克所造成的一个结果
3. It's not all the same to me, you punk.
我才不会无所谓 你个
4. They hated punk in the first place, the normal punk.
他们从一开始就讨厌朋克 那种普通的朋克
5. Looks like you might've gotten punked, punk.
看样子你被耍了 大骗子
6. They took the anger of punk, the rage of punk, but that was all externalised stuff.
他们表达了朋克的愤怒和狂躁 但那都是外化的东西
7. And, hey, sometimes doing the thing that seems the least punk rock is actually the most punk rock act of all.
有时候 做最不酷炫的事情 反而最酷炫了
8. The foundations of punk were actually forged by a gateway generation sandwiched between the '60s hippies and the '70s punks.
朋克实际是由门户一代创立的 他们处于 六十年代的嬉皮士与七十年代的朋克之间
9. A gutter punk is a punk without any sort of class or dignity and lives in the street, but somehow has nine dogs.
水沟朋克就是没品没尊严的朋克 住在大街上 却不知怎么的有九条狗
10. Well, I was at his christening, but he's a punk.
他的洗礼我都参加过 不过他是个