
音标/读音 [ʃriŋk]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 收缩, 萎缩, 回避
vi. 收缩, 退缩, 萎缩, 缩小, 回避
vt. 使收缩, 使缩小

v. reduce in size; reduce physically
v. become smaller or draw together
v. decrease in size, range, or extent



And your shrink is not the court's shrink.


Ruth, you know, you're a great shrink and everything, but you're not my shrink.

露丝 你是个很棒的心理医生 但你不是我的心理医生

I've had a shrink since I was six and you don't act like a shrink.

我六岁就有心理医生了 你看起来不像心理医生

Now, we have located a shrink ray in a secret lab, and once we take this shrink ray, we will have the capability to pull off the true crime of the century.

如今 我们已经发现收缩射线仪 就在某秘密实验室中 一旦得手 我们就有能力制造 本世纪真正的头号罪案

You are not the only shrink in the world.


You're a geneticist, you're not a shrink.

你是遗传学家 不是心理医生

It is my quest, and I will not shrink before it.

这是我的目标 我是不会退缩的

This is the number to a topnotch shrink.


We are not here to be his shrink or to advise him on how to grieve.

我们不是要当他的心理辅导师 或是建议他如何抚平伤痛的

And not just because of the shrinking funnels.
