
音标/读音 [rɪ'plenɪʃmənt]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 补给, 补充

n filling again by supplying what has been used up



I'll have him replenish the other supplies, too.


I suggest you replenish yourself before the storm.

我建议你在风暴来临之前 补充好体力

Consecrated in the earth, replenishing its power.

与大地融为一体 增强它的能量

My strength is replenished, and I am ready for battle once more.

我获得了满满的能量 并且准备好再战一次

Now they are soldiers, their numbers have to be replenished.

现在它们是士兵 必须保证它们的数量

Now, for as strong as you are, you will soon replenish it.

你身体那么强壮 很快就会恢复了

Congress replenishes the funds, just as they always do.

国会定会拨款补充赈灾基金 他们一向如此

Orange gatorade helps me replenish the electrolytes.


We'll get you replenished, refueled, and where you need to go.

我们会为你们补充物资和燃料 送你们出发

The mucus it excretes is nasty stuff, and it replenishes on its own.

它排出来的粘液很厉害 而且还会自动填充