
alienist怎么读: 音标['eiljәnist]
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◎ alienist是什么意思

n. 精神病医生
[医] 精神病学家

n. a psychiatrist and specialist in the legal aspects of mental illness


1. You're in well over your head, you and that alienist.

你们僭越了 你和那个精神病学家

2. For the moment, they only occupy the bookshelves of other alienists.

目前来看 他们只是占据了 其它精神病医生的书架而已

3. I sometimes work as an alienist for the courts.


4. And I call myself an alienist without having reckoned with this.

我自称精神病学家 却从未认清这一点

5. It seems your alienist came by, inquiring about a member of the church.

你的那位精神病学家似乎来访过 他来打探教会的一名成员

6. Please be assured that the relationship between a patient and an alienist happens in the strict confidence.

请放心 病人和精神病医生之间 所发生的一切完全是保密的

7. It'd scare the people if they were to find out that an alienist could figure out who the killer was before their police department could.

如果一个精神病人能 在警方之前查出凶手 人们会感到很害怕

8. It looks as though that fat son of a bitch is going to let that alienist continue with his investigation.

看样子那头死肥猪 打算让那个精神病学家继续调查
