
mistime怎么读: 音标[.mis'taim]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ mistime是什么意思

vt. 使不合时宜

v. time incorrectly


1. We were galloping across a field and I mistimed a jump.

我们飞速穿越田野 我不合时机地跳了一下

2. And your attempts to play on my emotions are as misguided as they are mistimed.

而你一直试图玩弄我的感情 误入歧途 不合时宜

3. I never get high when I'm flying, unless I mistimed the edible.

我飞的时候从来不嗨 除非我算错大麻[航食]时间

4. Mistimed his stroke, and the school lost the title by six points.

他出现了计时错误 学校以6分的差距失去了冠军
