
音标/读音 [maik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vi. 偷懒, 游手好闲
n. 休息, 游手好闲, 扩音器, 话筒

n device for converting sound waves into electrical energy



Mike, you and I have been through this before.

麦克 你我都曾经经历过这种事

Mike, you can't do it, and you know it.

迈克 你不能接受 你知道的

Mike was with me when I was in rehab.

我在戒疗中心时 是迈克陪着我

Mike. It's okay, because I do, too.

麦克 没关系 因为我也这么认为

Mike, I'll be with you in a few minutes.

迈克 我马上就能赶上你

We're on it, mike. get yourself out of there.

收到 迈克 你赶紧离开那儿

Mike, you have to keep what you know to yourself.

迈克 你知道的事不能对别人说

Mike, I can't make the decision for you.

迈克 我不能帮你做决定

Mike I don't care what I do for a living.

迈克... 我不在乎我以什么为生

Mike doesn't know he's not the father.
