n. 电视录像制作人
1. Was a freelance videographer at crime scenes.
2. I've just never met a videographer before.
3. This is a videograph, a pretty clear one.
这是视频照片 一张非常清晰的照片
4. He looks like he was up all night playing some sort of videographic game.
他看起来好像整夜没睡 玩了一夜的电子游戏
5. Docked a point for the campaign videographer who kept nosing in to everyone's cake time.
競選活動攝影師在大家吃蛋糕的時候 一直問個不停 扣一分
6. Well, when I become the most famous wedding videographer in the world, you'll both regret this moment as long as you live.
等我成为 世上最著名的婚礼录像师 你们俩会终生后悔这一刻的
7. Not to mention the company videographer, several foreign investors, and a busload of troubled teens will be there to hang on your every word.
还有公司摄影师 几个国外投资人 以及一群问题少年 都会来听你演讲