
relegation怎么读: 音标[.reli'geiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ relegation是什么意思

n. 驱逐, 调职, 归属
[法] 放逐, 贬谪

n. the act of assigning (someone or something) to a particular class or category
n. mild banishment; consignment to an inferior position


1. We do not wish to be relegated to the past.


2. Because your protocol mandated that she be relegated to a desk.


3. To be celebrated, never relegated or regulated.

只是庆祝 绝不贬低或掌控

4. It seems we've been relegated to the part of gongoozler, you and I.

看来分配给我们的任务是当"闲观者" 你和我

5. This lad could save us from relegation.


6. I've been relegated to the sad singles table.


7. You drawing room. I relegated to the ladies' parlor.

你去客厅 我去女士起居室

8. But maybe you'd have raised yours if it'd stop the team getting relegated.

但如果能让球队不降级 或许你也会抬起胳膊行纳粹礼

9. The dramatic repercussions of the recent financial meltdown are not relegated to developing nations.

最近金融危机的广泛影响 并不仅限于发展中国家

10. And that *artass mouth of your'n is gonna get you relegated back to the *ing kitchen.

小嘴再叭叭叭 信不信老子 把你调回厨房打杂去
