
shuffle怎么读: 音标['ʃʌfl]
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◎ shuffle是什么意思

n. 拖着脚走, 曳步, 混乱, 蒙混, 洗纸牌
v. 拖曳, 马虎地做, 笨手笨脚地穿(脱)衣, 推诿, 洗牌
[计] 混洗

n. the act of mixing cards haphazardly
v. walk by dragging one's feet
v. move about, move back and forth
v. mix so as to make a random order or arrangement


1. And so a whole batch of input messages from different people are shuffled and then sent to another computer, then shuffled again and so forth, and you can't tell as an observer of the network which item that went in corresponds to which item coming out.

来自不同个体的 一大批数据输入信息搅在一起 将这些数据传送到另一台计算机 再进行混合 诸如此类 网络监视者就无法辨别 哪条输入信息是与哪条输出信息是对应的

2. They're the worst, and so is their stupid shuffle.

他们最差劲了 这蠢曳步舞也差劲

3. But facedown so I can't tell what you're shuffling.

牌面向下 这样我就看不见你手里的牌了

4. I did the solo in the harbour shuffle.


5. Then, you shuffle over and pour yourself a cup of coffee.

接着慵懒地走过来 倒一杯咖啡

6. I believe he's shuffled off this mortal coil.


7. You shuffle to transfer your energy to the cards.


8. The *ell, the sound they make when you shuffle.

那种气味 那种洗牌时的声音

9. No shuffling, no skipping, as it was meant to be heard.

不能随机播放 不能切歌 就像他注定要听清单里的歌一样

10. Charlie hasn't shuffled off this mortal coil yet.




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