
音标/读音 [pә'rifәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 外围, 边缘地区, 圆周
[医] 外周, 周围

n. the outside boundary or surface of something



We don't need him in that deep, only on the periphery.

不需要他臥得很深 只要能搭上話就行

And he would use anyone in the family's periphery to do so.


Watch your periphery and don't turn your back on him, ever.

注意你的周围 千万别背对他

Scanning his periphery, for targets only he can see.

他时刻警惕 仿佛有无数隐形的嫌疑

Ok, then focus on that and let it guide you to the periphery.

好 注意力放在那上面 让它引导你看向周边环境

Intracranial hematomas begin at the periphery and spread inward.

颅内血肿始于末梢周围 正在向内扩散

Multiple rib fractures, vascular markings all the way to the periphery.

多处肋骨骨折 血管纹理十分清晰

Your little spirit kidnapper likes to hang on the periphery, with the others.

你们的绑架小鬼喜欢在边缘地带 和其他鬼魂一起闲逛

Be calm as my calcaneus and cuboid head toward you but remain in the periphery.

保持冷靜 我的跟骨和骰骨[腳上的骨頭]正慢慢靠近你 但依然在邊緣活動

On the periphery, just outside, there's always a window, but people are frightened to look through it.

在外围 在外面 总有一扇窗户 但人们害怕向窗外看