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音标: 英 [ˈsi:lɪŋ] 美 [ˈsilɪŋ]

n. 天花板
[经] 顶点, 顶线, 上限

n. the overhead upper surface of a covered space
n. (meteorology) altitude of the lowest layer of clouds
n. an upper limit on what is allowed
n. maximum altitude at which a plane can fly (under specified conditions)


1. You come back in, you take a ceiling tile out, and you climb up into the ceiling.

然后你又回来 拆掉一块天花板 爬到天花板上

2. Men don't like to admit that glass ceilings exist because they are the glass ceiling.

男人们不承认职场升迁的无形障碍 因为他们自身就是那层无形障碍

3. I will break through the symbolic glass ceiling by shattering this actual glass ceiling.

我将通过打碎这实际的玻璃天花板 打破象征性的玻璃天花板

4. And you're gonna find another ceiling, and you got to bust through that one, and you just got to keep hammering ceilings.

然后继续寻求新的突破 但要做到这样 就得不断地突破

5. And you're gonna find another ceiling and you got to bust through that one, and you just got to keep hammering ceilings.

找到突破点 然后你去突破它 你就不断的捶打就行了

6. That would be my absolute ceiling, because that's all I have.

那是我的封顶上限 因为我只有那么多

7. Could you get my underwear off the ceiling.

可以把我的 从天花板上取下来吗

8. Earthquake brought down some of the ceiling.


9. That's not... sir, that's not what the debt ceiling does.

那不是... 议员先生 那不是债务上限的作用

10. Or for ceiling. I am forgetting everything.

还有天花板 我什么都忘了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

