n. 化妆用品, 梳妆用具, 化妆用具
[化] 化妆用品
n. artifacts used in making your toilet (washing and taking care of your body)
1. If he had not abandoned his epinephrine with the rest of his toiletries.
但那样的话 他就不会丢下肾上腺素注射器 以及其他洗漱用品了
2. All his toiletries lined up on the lefthand side.
所有的厕所用品 都在左手边一字排开
3. Oh, no, that's alright. I'll need my toiletries.
哦不用 没关系 我的洗漱用品在里面
4. Though I was thinking I should pick up some toiletries.
5. there's no women's clothing, there's no women's toiletries.
那里面没有女人的衣服 没有女性化妆品
6. Which makes it an even $19 on toiletries.
7. Um, prepaid phone, some toiletries, some clothes.
预付好的手机 洗漱用品 还有一些衣物
8. Well, at least I wasn't in' for free weed and toiletries.
9. He left the prison in a hurry, but his toiletries were missing from his house, and there was no suitcase there.
他離開監獄時很匆忙 但是他的洗漱用品卻不在家里 并且也沒有手提箱
10. I wasn't aware that being on call to bring toiletries to jail was part of my job description.
想不到往监狱送洗漱用品 也是我的工作