
音标/读音 [pein]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 痛苦, 疼痛, 辛苦
vt. 使痛苦, 痛苦
vi. 作痛, 疼

n. a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
n. emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid
n. a somatic sensation of acute discomfort
n. a bothersome annoying person



This was a very painful time, very painful.

那段时期非常痛苦 非常痛苦

You're in pain and I care I'm not in pain.

你很痛苦而且我关心 我不痛苦

We still have an eye pain, a neck pain, an abdominal pain and a boil that needs to be lanced.

还有一个眼痛 一个脖子痛 一个肚子痛 还有一个需要切除的皮下脓肿

We pray for all who are in pain and all who cause pain.

我们为苦难中的人祈祷 也为制造苦难的人祈祷

I don't want to be a pain. I don't want to be a pain.

我不想煩人 我不想煩人

I need your pain. I need your pain.

我要你的痛苦 我要你的痛苦

You've saved me from some very painful, painful moments.


It was a painful moment for me. It was a painful moment for him.

那于我是一个痛苦的时刻 他也同样

That woman's in pain, and you are causing her more pain.

那个女人正活在痛苦之中 而你给她带来了更多的痛苦

I had a pain, the most terrible stabbing pain.

刚才有点疼 特别严重的那种刺痛