
音标/读音 ['si:tiŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 使就座, 就座, 座位

n. an area that includes places where several people can sit
n. the service of ushering people to their seats


1. Please remain seated with your seat belts fastened until we reach the gate, and the captain has turned off the fasten seat belt sign.

请待在座位上 不要解开安全带 直到飞机停稳 机长关闭系紧安全带指示灯

2. You have to go to your seats and put your seat belts on.

你们得回到自己的位子上 系好安全带

3. Get in your seat, fasten your seat belt.

回到座位上 系紧安全带

4. There's baby seat attachments, but no baby seat.

车里有婴儿座椅的附件 但没有婴儿座椅

5. Your weapons, your truck, the fuel in your truck, if you got mints in your glove compartment, if you got * underneath the seat, change in the seats, hell, the seats themselves, the floor mats, your maps, little stash for emergency napkins you got there in the console.

你们的武器 卡车 卡车里的汽油 贮物箱里的薄荷糖 座位下的* 座位里的零钱 甚至是座位本身 脚垫 地图 放在中控台里"应急"的纸巾

6. Pull firing handle, initiate rear seat, restrain air crew, sequence interseat operation, jettison canopy, unlock rear seat and rise, restrain legs, initiate seat system, fire rocket motors... I haven't finished yet.

拉动发射杆 启动后座 用安全带固定飞行员 依次进行中座操作 扔弃座舱罩 打开并升上后座 固定双腿 启动弹射系统 启动发射装置 我还没说完呢

7. Everybody please remain seated, seat belts fastened.

每个人都要坐好 扣好安全带

8. You have to stay seated until the captain turns off the seat belt sign.

机长关闭安全带指示灯前 请坐在座位上

9. 50yardline seats, section 134, seats 1 and 2.

50码线座位 134区 1号2号座椅

10. Stay seated until the fasten seat belt sign has been turned off.

请系好安全带就座 等待指示灯熄灭
