
iambic怎么读: 音标[ai'æmbik]
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◎ iambic是什么意思

n. [诗]短长格,抑扬格, 抑扬格诗

n. a verse line consisting of iambs
a. of or consisting of iambs


1. Like this iambic foot, you're stressed. I'm not.

就像这抑扬格音步 你很紧张[重读] 我没有

2. Maybe we could get together later and you could help me with my iambic pentameter.

待会儿你能留一下 看看我的五步抑扬格吗

3. Uh, well, I'm not exactly sure either, some of it was in iambic pentameter.

其实我也不太确定 有些句子是用五步抑扬格诗体写的
