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n. American chemist who with Robert Curl and Harold Kroto discovered fullerenes and opened a new branch of chemistry (born in 1943)



Leading them is an extremely rare *alleyed stingray the biggest stingray in the ocean.

带头的是一条极其罕见的小眼魟鱼 他是海洋中最大的魟鱼

This is a place of ghostly stillness a definite advantage for the *alleyed bigeyed hunting spider.

这是一个鬼魅般寂静的地方 这无疑对小眼大眼狼蛛非常有利

This is the *alleyed bigeyed hunting spider a curious name for any spider, let alone one whose eyes barely function.

这是小眼大眼狼蛛 对任何蜘蛛来说 这都算个奇怪的名字 更何况它几乎视力全无