
音标/读音 []
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 雄伟地;壮丽地;上等地;庄重地

r (used as an intensifier) extremely well



May I compliment you on the superbly filthy revels of last night.

我可以就昨晚 那场*的狂欢派对向你致敬吗

I thought if I was in the band and played absolutely superbly, there's a chance that she might actually fall in love with me.

我想如果我也加入乐队 并且好好演奏的话 她或许真会爱上我呢

But some people are getting very low scores in older age and some people are doing superbly in older age.

但一些人老了以后分数极低 而另一些人老了以后分数极高