
音标/读音 ['bu(:)^i]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

(随着摇摆舞音乐节奏)摆动身体, [蔑]黑人

n. an instrumental version of the blues (especially for piano)
v. dance to boogie music



Anyway, I have a meeting, so I better boogie.

算了 我还有个会 我现在最好闪人了

We're in for the fulltilt boogie now, kids.

我们必须全力以赴了 各位

Only thing going down tonight is my boogie.


I can't eat kettle corn. I can't boogie board.

我不能吃玉米釜 我不能跳快节奏的舞

Now let's boogie, before he decides I'm someone else he hates.

赶紧加速吧 趁他还把我认作其他他恨的人

Gotta boogie if we're gonna get that bear up in the air.

要让大家伙上天的话 我们得抓紧了

Ookay, honey, you've done enough boogie for one night.

亲爱的 你今晚跳得够多了

When the company went belly up, everyone boogied and left this thing here.

公司倒闭的时候 大家都跑了 只剩它在这里

You've been promising you'd go boogie boarding for the past three days.

你过去三天里一直在说 自己要来冲浪

Letlet's say that II told you that I invested all of my money into boogie boards.

例如说我告诉你 我把我所有钱投资在 冲浪板上