
音标/读音 [eә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

conj. 在...以前, 毋宁
prep. 在...以前, 毋宁

adv. Before; sooner than.
adv. Rather than.
v. t. To plow. [Obs.] See Ear, v. t.


1. I wanted to be 'ere... when we found it.

我想在这里 和你们一起找到航道

2. He's not the first I've had in 'ere looking like that.


3. You 'eard 'im, he don't want thee 'ere.

听着了吧 他不希望你留下

4. Ere ye come there, be sure to hear some news.


5. If we'd been hiding, we'd be on the other side of the roof, but, no, we're standing right 'ere.

如果我们想藏起来 我们就在屋顶另一边了 但是不对 我们就站在这里

6. I shall see thee 'ere I die,look pale with love.

在我死前 总有一天我会看到你为爱情憔悴

7. ...and she will die,ere she make her love known, and she will die,if he woo her.

可是她宁死 也不愿让他知道她爱他 即使他向她求婚 她也宁死不屈

8. Porque si debe muchachos se muere por lo flaco que eres.

现在的人啊为了苗条 让他吃什么就吃什么
