
intranet怎么读: 音标['intrәnet]
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◎ intranet是什么意思

n. [计]内联网;企业内部网

n. a restricted computer network; a private network created using World Wide Web software


1. And our cellphones, they're not on the intranet, either.

还有我们的手机 也不在内网上

2. I am in their intranet, but their medical records are tight as a drum.

我进入了他们的内网 但是他们的病例藏得太严了

3. My money says yes, but what what's weird is they used an intranet.

在我看来是的 但是很奇怪的是 他们用了内联网

4. But the new *artboard in the murder room isn't on the intranet because we wanted to be able to download stuff off the web.

但是调查室新装的电子白板 没有连在内网上 因为我们希望能从网上 下载东西
