
音标/读音 [.inɒ:'gænik]
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◎ 单词释义

a. 无机的, 无生物的, 非自然形成的
[医] 无机的

a. relating or belonging to the class of compounds not having a carbon basis
a. lacking the properties characteristic of living organisms



We have to take out any inorganic parts and destroy them.

我们必须取出任何无机部分 然后销毁它们

It's a combination of organic and inorganic materials.


So far we've only sent inorganic matter.


There is no inorganic material inside her body.


It's the best way to separate the organic and inorganic matter.

这是分离有机物和无机物 的最好方法

I got to eat food that was inorganic and genetically modified.

吃无机食品和 转基因食品

It describes how an inorganic host can house organic material.

它描述了一个无机的宿主 如何成为有机物质的宿主

Their most precious cargo mysterious containers of molecular fluid which generates life from inorganic material.

他们最宝贵的货物 装在容器中的神秘分子液体 可以从无机物中创造生命

Plus, I did a full tox screen organics, inorganics, heavy metals, even cardiac glycosides.

而且我还进行了全套的毒物检测 有机 无机 重金属 连强心剂都做了

Because of our planet's harsh climate, my species evolved to draw nourishment from a wide variety of organic and inorganic matter.

因为我们星球环境残酷 我的种族进化出了 从多种无机物和有机物中获取营养的能力