
nope怎么读: 音标[nәup]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ nope是什么意思

adv. 不, 不是

n. A bullfinch.


1. Nope, nope. I'm flattered you would seek my advice.

不 我很高兴你会征求我的意见

2. Nope, she's not with me. I am not with her.

不 她跟我不是一条战线上的 我跟她也不是

3. Nope, but I own a few of these buildings.

不 但是我是这几栋建筑的主人

4. Nope, there were two *es, so no.

不对 有两根丁丁 所以不只我一个人

5. Nope, but I am gonna have a drink in it.

不是 可我要穿着这身衣服喝一杯

6. Nope, not from his body or from his home.

没有 尸体上和家里都没有

7. Nope. I'm not talking to it. It's not talking to me.

没有 我没跟它聊天 它也没跟我聊天

8. Nope. I've never been this far in before.

不知道 我从未到过这么远的地方

9. Nope, not excusing you because I have clearance.

不行 我有权不批准你失陪

10. Nope. It's not mine. I don't work out.

不知道 不是我的 我不运动的



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