
音标/读音 [.ɒpә'ziʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 反对, 敌对, 相反, 在野党
[医] 对生, 对向, 反抗, 反对症

n. the relation between opposed entities
n. a contestant that you are matched against
n. a body of people united in opposing something
n. a direction opposite to another


1. So I'm going to do the opposite of the opposite of what she said.


2. Oh, opposite, opposite. It's usually much busier.

恰恰相反呢 今天可比平时清闲多了

3. If you feel like going in the opposite direction, then go in the opposite direction.

如果有人想向往反方向走 就照做吧

4. And we started on opposite sides of cases, and then it was just... opposites attract, I guess.

我俩一开始在法庭上是对立的双方 后来大概是...异质相吸吧

5. But lately, it's been doing the opposite.


6. No, no, no, it's quite the opposite.

不 不 不 恰恰相反

7. Actually, I'm here to do the opposite.

其实 我是来说完全相反的话

8. We'd have no opposition in the election.


9. We're from opposite worlds, you and I.

我们两个 完全是不同世界的人

10. What you did... that was the opposite of discreet.

而你的所为 完全背道而驰
