
音标/读音 [stɒp]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 停止, 车站, 逗留, 填塞, 障碍, (风琴的)音栓
vi. 停止, 被塞住
vt. 塞住, 堵塞, 阻止, 击落, 停止, 终止, 断绝

n. the event of something ending
n. the act of stopping something
n. a brief stay in the course of a journey
n. a spot where something halts or pauses



Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

停 停 停 停 停

It stopped! It stopped! It It stopped!.

好了 好了 已经没事了

Stop, stop, stop, stop. It's me you want.

住手 住手 你想找的人是我

Okay, everyone stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

好了 大家停下来 停下

Okay, you gotta stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

好了 你们都别嚷嚷了 停停停

No no, stop stop stop stop! It's so *ing cute.

别 停下 冷静 那可*可爱啊

I won't stop, won't stop won't stop the beat.

不会停 不会停 不会停下来

I can't stop, can't stop can't stop the beat.

停不了 停不了 根本停不了

Don't stop, don't stop don't stop the beat.

别停 别停 节奏别停

He won't stop, and he he can't stop.

他不会住手 而且他 没法住手