
音标/读音 ['meθein]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 甲烷, 沼气
[化] 甲烷; 沼气

n. a colorless odorless gas used as a fuel



It's liquid methane, because the temperatures are so cold that methane cannot be a gas. It's a liquid.

而是液体甲烷 由于温度极低 甲烷不能维持气态 而是液态的

In this case, we think it's probably methane.

在这种情况下 我们认为气体可能是甲烷

Yeah, it's more like the methane coming from their mouths.


Methane is, of course, a very powerful greenhouse gas.

当然 甲烷是很强大的温室气体

Bitumen and methane are indicators of fossil fuels.


But men do hallucinate, the methane gets to 'em.

但他们的确会有幻觉 吸进去甲烷

Now we are filled up with more methane than any other mine in this area.

现在我们这里的甲烷比 附近任何其他矿井里的都多

These flares that we're doing demonstrate that the bubbles contain methane.

我们所展示的这些火焰 表明这些气泡含有甲烷

A blockedin site pumping out methane and sulphides and trichloroethylene.

一个密闭区域不断产生甲烷和硫化物 以及三氯乙烯

It could be a, what, a geyser, or, uh, you know, just some trapped methane, you know.

可能是个温泉什么的 或者一些甲烷气体