
音标/读音 [ˌtemprə'mentəlɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

adv. 在气质上; 易兴奋地, 神经质地

r. by temperament



She may be temperamental, but at least she's ours.

它或许喜怒无常 可至少属于我们

Temperamental doesn't even begin to cover it.

捉摸不定 都不足以形容

I'm tending to a real temperamental gazpacho.


My ladies can be quite temperamental sometimes.


Temperamental, highmaintenance, only responds to the right touch.

喜怒不定 特别难养 只有好生伺候才给好脸色

You know? It'd be a lot less temperamental.


A man of your breeding and ego is temperamentally incapable of hiding.

像你这样的出身 又极度自负的人 生来就无法悄悄躲藏着

That's what I always like to say whenever she gets temperamental like this.

当她这样喜怒无常时 我总爱这样说

These artistic types can be fairly temperamental, as I'm sure you're aware.

这帮搞艺术的有时就是喜怒无常 脾气古怪 我相信你一定也知道

Problem is, they were so temperamental, that even the king himself, allegedly, shot his when it wouldn't start.

问题是 这种车很不稳定 据说就连国王本人 在车发动不了的时候都向车开枪了