
音标/读音 [sai]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 叹息
vi. 叹息, 渴望
vt. 叹息着说

n. an utterance made by exhaling audibly
n. a sound like a person sighing
v. heave or utter a sigh; breathe deeply and heavily
v. utter with a sigh



Then he sighed, and his body relaxed.

然后他叹了口气 接着身体就放松了

And then she looked at what she'd done and she sighed.

她看着天地间的勃勃生机 轻轻叹了口气

And as she gazed, she sniffed and sighed.

在凝视的同时 她吸了口气 然后又叹了口气

Deep sigh. I hate that you're asking that.

长叹一声 我很讨厌你问起这事

And there is nothing's sadder than a sighing bag of mayonnaise.


That beleaguered sigh means, no, I can't have black nails.

那声恼人的叹气表示 不行 我不能涂黑指甲

sighing of an evening wind and waterfall beside.


I need you to sigh off on these home study reports.

麻烦你签署 这些家庭访谈报告

No heavy sighs, no scribbling in your legal pad.

别发出沉重的叹息 别在你小本上乱划

Hanzo breathed a sigh of relief, for he was home.

半藏如释重负 因为他到家了