
音标/读音 [in'fɒ:smәnt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 执行, 强制
[法] 实施, 加强, 厉行

n. the act of enforcing; ensuring observance of or obedience to



And I am the enforcer. I mean, I enforce.

而我是主管 我是说 我主管

I'll enforce the unwritten rules while you enforce the written ones.

我会执行不成文的规矩 你来执行法律规定

I mean, if your passion is law enforcement, you can have a career in law enforcement.

如果你熱愛執法機關 你可以從事執法機關的工作

Noche was a mob enforcer who wanted to be better at enforcing, so he got his hands on some experimental steroids.

诺彻是个黑帮打手 希望打人的本事更进一步 所以搞来了些试验性类固醇

For us, the attorney general's report was a blessing in that at least some of the people who were being questioned did not anticipate any personal liability to themselves, felt like they were talking law enforcement to law enforcement, and so were fairly candid.

对于我们 总检察长的报告是个福音 因为在被询问的人中 至少有些人是 没有想到会承担个人责任 他们以为是在和执法机关谈论执法问题 所以很坦白

I'm the closest to law enforcement here.


He got into law enforcement because of me.


Most of them are law enforcement, so they'll understand.

大多宾客是执法部门的 他们会理解的

If they override, I'll refuse to enforce.

他们* 我就拒绝执行

They make it their responsibility to enforce it.
